Ecos de Libertad / Echoes of freedom

En el centro de esta obra, una bailarina de ballet, símbolo de perfección, se encuentra atada de manos por cuerdas doradas, hilos que la manipulan como una marioneta; son su verdugo, palpable en sus lágrimas que caen como gotas de oro. Sin embargo, entre las cuerdas doradas que la aprisionan, una de ellas se desvanece, como una declaración silenciosa de su rebelión incipiente.

In the centre of this artwork, a ballet dancer, a symbol of perfection, is bound by golden ropes, threads that manipulate her like a puppet; they are her executioner, tangible in her tears that fall like drops of gold. However, amidst the golden ropes that imprison her, one of them fades away, like a silent declaration of her incipient rebellion.
En contraste con las expectativas opresivas de la sociedad, su cabello suelto es un símbolo de su deseo de ser libre, de romper las cadenas impuestas y de encontrar su propia voz en un mundo que a menudo dicta cómo debemos ser.
Ecos de Libertad insta a bailar al ritmo de nuestro propio corazón, a romper las ataduras y encontrar la belleza en nuestra propia autenticidad.

In contrast to society's oppressive expectations, her loose hair is a symbol of her desire to be free, to break the imposed chains, and to find her own voice in a world that often dictates how we should be.
"Echoes of Freedom" was made by my own initiative to inspire people to dance to the rhythm of their own hearts, to break free from whatever holds them back, and to find beauty in their own authenticity. There were no contests or exhibitions involved; it was a personal endeavour to share this message with the world.
Echoes of freedom


Echoes of freedom
